Thursday, September 18, 2008

Home Based Business Success

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding
you and a home based business. A careful reading of this material
could make a big difference in how you think about the home based
business industry.

Are you starting to wonder if you are going to have a job next month?
With the constant doom and gloom on the news - this is a realistic
concern. You may wonder how you can prepare yourself and your family
for such a shock. Maybe you have made the decision to start a home
based business. You begin your new home based business enthused, but
at the same time you are very nervous. You wonder if this new business
can supplement your income instead of making you broke.

You take the precious time to learn as much as you can about your new
business and products. The one thing you are concerned about however,
is how you will find new customers for your business. Where are you
going to find these new customers and how much is this going to cost
you?  After all, you started your home based business to make money
not lose it, right?

You convince yourself that maybe some of your family or friends will
help you out. They know that you are concerned about losing your job
and your looking for a way to protect yourself if it should happen.
Then reality sets in!  Not all of your family and friends are as
excited as you about your home business and products. As a matter of
fact some don't even order anything from you. Some will lead you on
and tell you to ask them next month. Yea, right! You will hear any
number of excuses why they will not or cannot buy from you. They may
as well take a brick and hit you in the head with it!

The dream of having your own home based business is slowly slipping a
way and you consider taking a part-time job at night.  Maybe this home
based business thing isn't so easy after all.  The brochures and
websites tell a different story. They make it sound like you will be
rolling in the dough in a month or two. It's EASY, it won't cost you a
dime, we will help you succeed they tell you. You begin to have some

You start to think that maybe it's you - and maybe you're doing
something wrong in the way your promoting your home based business. Or
maybe you're not advertising enough. You know that you need customers
if you want to be successful so you start to advertise. But how? They
were suppose to show you how to market your home based business. After
spending more money then your making to advertise, you still can count
with your hands the number of customers you have. What do you do?

Quit? Your goal is to have a successful home based business that can
supplement your income. You know that getting a part-time job won't
provide the security your looking for if something happens to your
job. Do you finally say enough is enough and give up, or will you
stick it out no matter what? It's a tough decision and one only you
can make.  Before you tell yourself that a home based business won't
work, consider maybe the opportunity you chose was the problem.  To be
successful in any business you need customers - right?

There is a home based business model where you can leave the
advertising and marketing to the experts and spend your time and money
on people who are customers already. With this home based business,
you can actually buy customers from the parent company and partner
with them to reach your goals.  It's not that a home based business
won't work, it's finding one that does and making it a success for

Are you still looking for a home based business?


Dave Shlictemeier

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